iQ is designed and produced by Genius:
South Barn
Broughton Hall
Skipton BD23 3AE
(+44) 01756 701222
Get in touch, book a demo or let us know when your ATS contract is up for renewal – we’d love to be included in the pitch and you’ll love what iQ can do.
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A landmark in resourcing 🚀🎉

In recruitment terms, we'd like to think this is possibly up there with the first practical use of fire, the invention of the wheel, building of the pyramids — and possibly the transistor.

...Announcing the first Native-AI roll-out in an ATS.

So what does that mean? And what is Native-AI?

Well, our white paper will explain it all. It'll never top the best sellers list — and it's not what you would consider 'light bedtime reading' — it's a full technology announcement of what we have set out to create. And how it's going to change our industry. Forever. We thought you might like to know.

Think of it this way. Your ATS helps you to manage lots of candidates.

This ATS — iQ — helps choose the right candidate. Period.

And it does it without unconscious bias, prejudice or an ‘off day’ at work.

That's it.

Out of everyone that has applied, it will use its revolutionary algorithms to tell you who is most likely to succeed.

And it learns. And continues to learn, which candidates work best for you.

The more you use it, the more it builds patterns of success.

The question you’re now thinking is — will it replace us recruiters?

No. But it does, from the outset, help you all to be the best recruiters of all time.

The future is here — ask for a demo.