iQ is designed and produced by Genius:
South Barn
Broughton Hall
Skipton BD23 3AE
(+44) 01756 701222
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Embracing Sustainability: iQ's Move to South Barn, Broughton Hall.

iQ is excited to announce our recent move to a new, larger premises at South Barn, Broughton Hall, a location that is not only breathtaking but also deeply aligned with our values of sustainability and corporate responsibility. This move is a significant step in our journey towards obtaining B-Corp status, marking a pivotal moment in our commitment to being a force for good.

A Commitment to Sustainability and Growth

The decision to relocate to South Barn, situated in the midst of the UK's largest re-wilding project, is emblematic of our dedication to environmental stewardship. Re-wilding efforts at Broughton Hall aim to restore and protect natural habitats, which resonates with our own goals of sustainable development and ecological preservation. This inspiring environment serves as a daily reminder of the values we strive to embody as a company.

Our new home at South Barn is not just a workspace; it is a testament to our belief that businesses should harmoniously coexist with their natural surroundings. The larger premises provide us with the opportunity to grow our team and enhance our operations while maintaining a minimal ecological footprint.

Towards B-Corp Status

Achieving B-Corp status is a rigorous process that aligns perfectly with our vision for a sustainable business model that balances purpose and profit. By moving to South Barn, we are laying a solid foundation to meet the high standards required for B-Corp certification. This status will not only reinforce our commitment to non-financial impacts but also publicly affirm our dedication to comprehensive sustainability practices in business.

A Hub for Innovation and Collaboration

South Barn at Broughton Hall is designed to foster innovation and collaboration. The serene and inspiring setting enhances our team's creativity and productivity, allowing us to continue developing cutting-edge AI solutions for recruitment that prioritize ethical considerations and environmental impact.

Moreover, our new location enables us to host clients and partners in an environment that reflects our core values and commitment to sustainability. It’s a place where we can share ideas, strategies, and successes in a setting that is conducive to fostering long-term relationships based on shared values and mutual respect.

Looking Forward

As we settle into our new home at South Barn, we are committed to not only meeting but exceeding the standards that define a certified B Corporation, which include social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

This move to South Barn, Broughton Hall is more than a change of location—it is a significant step forward in our mission to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business. From reducing our carbon footprint to supporting the re-wilding project, every element of our operations at South Barn is designed to reflect our dedication to a better planet.

Inviting Collaboration for a Sustainable Future

We look forward to collaborating with other like-minded businesses and individuals who are inspired by our vision. South Barn is not just our new office; it is a hub for innovation in sustainable practices. We invite our partners, clients, and the community to join us in this beautiful setting to explore how together we can make a significant impact.

Our journey towards B-Corp certification is just beginning, and we are excited about the opportunities that our new location brings. At iQ, we believe that our business can be a powerful platform for change. By aligning our operations with our values, we are proving that it is possible to be successful in the business world while also making a positive impact on the environment and society.

As we continue to grow and evolve in our new surroundings at South Barn, we remain dedicated to our role as a leader in sustainable business practices. We are eager to see the innovations and achievements that will unfold in this inspiring setting, pushing us closer to becoming the environmentally and socially responsible business we aspire to be.